1072 The Tile Invitational Come up with a 5-, 6-, or 7-letter term by scrambling any of the provided seven-letter ScrabbleGram sets, and define it. H
610 MASH Find two well-known movies, plays, or TV shows whose title have a significant word in common, combine their titles, and describe the hybrid. P
498 Unamazing But True! Submit a true fact that is of absolutely no use, but interesting in a weirdly Invitationalist way. 1
450 Blues It or Lose It Write the first verse of a blues song expressing some Washington area woe. H
397 Sins of Omission Omit a letter or letters from a real-life sign to create a name for a new business, comically different from the original. Describe the new business or include a slogan that explains it. 4
284 ASK BACKWARDS MCLXVII You are on "Jeopardy!" These are the answers. What are the questions? H
281 CALCULATE THE ODDS Tell us which of the two provided items does not belong with the other two, and why. H
248 STICKER SCHLOCK Come up with a message for our new, mildly sought-after Style Invitational bumper sticker, something that summarizes the grandeur and dignity of this stupid contest. H
227 WILD PITCHES Come up worthy successors to Joe Camel. Name the product, and describe the totally inappropriate cartoon character that would be created to represent it. H
220 RSVP Provide an answer to any of the dumb questions from Week 217. H
193 ASK BACKWARDS VIII You are on "Jeopardy!" Here are the answers. What are the questions? 8
180 WHEN IN DOUBT, PUN Take any headline in today's Post and improve it by somehow turning it into a pun. H
169 DIFF'RENT JOKES Tell us the difference between any two of the provided items. 3
144 JUST REBUS ALONE Come up with a rebus, a phrase or sentence composed of letters, pictures, and symbols. Your entry must contain at least two pictures or illustrations from today's Washington Post. 3
126 EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' What are these people, etc., saying or thinking? W H
117 GIVE 'EM HELOISE Come up with a tribute to Heloise, that queen of inanely creative recycling. W
90 BILL US NOW Come up with funny legislation based on the names of the 102 freshman congresspersons. 4
87 WEST EASY, ANN Come up with good things about West Virginia, in 50 words of fewer. H
72 OH, HELL Come up with the perfect vision of Hell for a famous person, living or dead. H
67 FAMOUS LAST WORDS Make up the last words of famous dead people whose last words are unknown. W
66 THE SON-OF-SMITH LAW In 50 words or fewer, what do we do about the Chuck Smith problem? H
62 BAD NEWS BEARERS Come up with statements one would not want to hear from friends, relatives, service personnel, etc. H
59 A GRAVE AFFAIR Write appropriate epitaphs for the not-yet-dead. H
57 CALLING THE TOON Who are these people, and what are they doing? W
56 DO THE HOOKY POKEY Come up with inventive ways to call in sick or otherwise persuade your employer you must miss a day. 4
50 GIVE US THIS DAY There are no holidays between Presidents' Day and Memorial Day, a cheerless run of more than three months. Let's stick one in there, somewhere. The holiday should celebrate something or someone uniquely American. Tell us the date, the name of the holiday and how it should be observed. H
46 WE WANT STUPID ENTRIES ONLY Make up a sentence that, were it not for this contest, would never be uttered. H 6
38 ASK BACKWARDS II You are on "Jeopardy!" Here are the answers. What are the questions? H
37 A STATE OF DISGRACE? Propose any of the following for D.C.: A State Name, A State Flower, A State Bird, A State Slogan, A State Capital, A Governor, An Insulting State Joke. H
28 MOTHERS-IN-LAW OF INVENTION Propose some drastic change in government to help the economy or otherwise improve the quality of life in America. H
26 CASTING ABOUT FOR AN IDEA Name a political person (past or present) and the TV or movie role in which he or she could have been cast. H H