454 Ask Backwards You are on "Jeopardy!" These are the answers. What are the questions? H
256 THE PYLE INVITATIONAL Come up with hip, contemporary riddles and answers. The punch line must contain a painful pun. L
255 SCANDAL IN THE WIND Each of the provided items is somehow related to the current presidential scandal. Tell us how. H
250 OH, GREAT Complete the sentence "Wouldn't it be great if . . . H
248 STICKER SCHLOCK Come up with a message for our new, mildly sought-after Style Invitational bumper sticker, something that summarizes the grandeur and dignity of this stupid contest. H
242 SACRED COW PIES Take cheap shots at sacred institutions only, places and things that are so noble and wholesome they are beyond reproach, from among the items provided. H H H
229 WE CAN'T HEAR YOU Supply an example for any of the five "Things you don't want to hear" categories provided. H
102 HELP! I'M A PRISONER IN THIS CONTEST Come up with fortune cookie messages that you would love to see, but never will. H
98 YOUR CHEATIN' ART Come up with titles for country music songs featuring any one or more of the following themes: cheatin', thievin', drinkin', truckin', lovin' or dogs. H
92 PLOTBOILERS Tell us what excerpts from celebrities' novels might look like. 2
89 CHILD'S PLAY Come up with bad ideas for new toys for the Christmas season. W L
86 EXCUSES, EXCUSES Come up with funny excuses for various malfeasances. H
77 THE RORSCHACH OF THE CROWD II What do these ink blots mean? H
75 CURSES! Come up with modern maledictions in the wise and entertaining Yiddish tradition. 2
69 LAYING DOWN THE LAW Send us some exciting new principles that explain why things happen they way they happen. H
65 DESPERATELY SEEKING HUMOR Write a personal ad. It may be for a celebrity or for anyone in need of adroit euphemism. H
60 ASK BACKWARDS III You are on "Jeopardy!" These are the answers. What are the questions? H
59 A GRAVE AFFAIR Write appropriate epitaphs for the not-yet-dead. H
55 ESCAPE CLAUSES Send us self-serving moral loopholes through which the enterprising 1990s transgressor can crawl. H
54 ODD COUPLING Write comical combinations of famous names, by marriage or other conceit. H
51 CAPTION CRUNCH, VOL. II Supply captions for any of these pictures. H
46 WE WANT STUPID ENTRIES ONLY Make up a sentence that, were it not for this contest, would never be uttered. 5
41 READ-END COLLUSION Design a Style Invitational bumper sticker to be awarded to all Honorable Mentions. H