783 The Shill Game Name a celebrity or fictional character to endorse a real product or company. H
503 Doody and Muldoon Write poetry that out-Muldoons Paul Muldoon, the Princeton professor who won this year's Pulitzer Prize in poetry. Your poem must be a single quatrain, containing at least one rhyme and references to at least two body parts and one geographic name. H
481 Homonymphomania Create a new homonym of any existing word, and define. The new word must be spelled in such a way that is obviously pronounced identically to the original word. H H H
473 Offensive Line Find what's offensive in any of the provided cartoons, and explain. H
387 By Jingo Come up with a joke that could be written and understood only by a Washingtonian. H
371 Ask Backward You are on "Jeopardy!" These are the answers. What are the questions? H
263 THE GAME OF THE NAME Propose a bad name for the provided categories. H H
221 SONG SUNG BROWN Pick any song, pick a well-known line, and give us the discarded first draft. If it is part of a rhyme, you must maintain the rhyme. H
174 THE EDGE OF MIGHT Complete any of the four provided "you might" phrases. H
118 WEAK 118 Take any photo caption or headline appearing anywhere in today's Post and alter its meaning by adding, deleting, or changing one letter. H H
84 THE WASHINGTON IRVINGS Come up with creative names for the high school football teams of real towns in America. H
65 DESPERATELY SEEKING HUMOR Write a personal ad. It may be for a celebrity or for anyone in need of adroit euphemism. W
52 PERJURED TESTIMONIALS Come up with inappropriate celebrity endorsements for real products. I 1
47 CAN YOU DO VERSE? Bad Valentine's Day poetry. Any rhyme scheme, any form of literary dysfunction. 3
42 HEY, IT COULD BE WORSE There are worse things in life than the Washington Redskins. Just tell us what they are. H
27 IT'S THE EPONYMY, STUPID Coin an eponym, a word or figure of speech based on the name of a famous person. You must define the word, and, if you wish, use it in a sentence. H
9 VANITY UNFAIR Create vanity license plates for famous people. H
2 WRITE A MOTTO. WIN A MONSTROSITY. Maryland needs a new motto, a multi-purpose slogan suitable for placement on a state seal or a license plate. Something grand, something that embodies the full bodacious majesty of the state. H