1622 | Jest One More Time | Enter any of the past 6 months' contests. | H H |
1618 | Week 100! | ...which we celebrate with a centennial contest | I |
1610 | Wryku | Write a haiku about something in the news. | H |
1606 | The Cold New Trend | What would be an even sillier new fad than decorator refrigerator shelves? | H |
1602 | We Got Game | Tell us some funny ways to 'improve' a sport. | H H |
1600 | Taylorgaters | Take a line from a 'Tortured Poets' lyric and rhyme it with one of your own. | H |
1588 | Colt Fusion | Because of our munificense and guilt, you get a full hundred foal names to 'breed' for 'grandfoals' | H |
1541 | Wrong enough for ya? | Fake facts about the weather | 2 |
1525 | Arty Har-har | Give us an idea for a humorously audacious modern art work | H |
1503 | Sing of your supper--parodies about food | Write a humorous song on the subject of food. | H |
1499 | Picture This, a cartoon caption contest | Write a caption, either descriptive or in dialogue, for any of the provided cartoons. | H |
1483 | Pun for the Roses -- our famous foal-'breeding' contest | Breed" any two of the provided names and name the "foal". As in actual thoroughbred racing, a name may not exceed 18 characters including spaces. | T |
1464 | Picture this -- a caption contest | Write a caption, either descriptive or in dialogue, for any of the provided cartoons. | H |
1454 | Punku 3 -- haiku with a pun | Create a haiku containing a pun or similar wordplay. | H |
1451 | Could have said it worse ourselves | Give us a humorously bad "first draft" of a famous line from history, literature or entertainment. | H H |
1437 | One-offs: A 'typo' neologism contest | You're a fat-fingered typist: Change a word, name or phrase by either adding or substituting one letter that's adjacent (in any direction) to the original one on a regular QWERTY keyboard, or by doubling the correct letter. | L |
1392 | Picture this -- caption these cartoons | Write a caption, either descriptive or in dialogue, for any of the provided Bob Staake cartoons. | H 4 |
1376 | Get thee to a funnery | Add a character (or more) to a Shakespeare play and supply some resulting dialogue. | H H |
1352 | Hee-rotica -- Steamy prose for unsteamy life | Write a short steamy scene (100 words would be considered long) about a non-steamy event. | H |
1329 | Shakespeare + Thee: Tailgaters | Select any line from a work by Shakespeare (poetry or prose) and pair it with your own line to create a humorous rhyming couplet. | W |
1326 | Foaling around | Breed" any two names from the provided list of 100 horses and name the foal to reflect both names. | H |
1242 | Generation Yux | Give us a "then/now" joke. | H |
1235 | The Sound of Science | Write humorous lyrics on the subject of science or technology, set to a well-known tune. | L |
1232 | Picture this -- a caption contest | Write a caption for one or more of the provided cartoons. | H |
1219 | Cast your Bred upon us | Write a Lik the Bred verse about someone in the news lately. | H |
1212 | The Tile Invitational IV | Give us a five-, six- or seven-letter word (or two words) by scrambling the letters of any of the provided sets and define it. | H |
1209 | Invented facts: A fictoid contest | Tell us a humorously untrue account of how a product or invention came to be, or got its name. | H H 2 |
1198 | Give it to us straight | Take any sentence from an article or ad in any publication dated Oct. 20 to Oct. 31 — or from an online article dated within that period — and translate it into “plain English". | H |
1182 | Where in the wor(l)d? | (1) On What3words.com, find one or more humorously appropriate (or ironic) three-word codes at a particular place; or 2) find a three-word code, tell us where it is, and tell us what ought to be there. | H |
1167 | So what's to liken? | Take any two items from the provided list and explain how they're similar or different, or connect them some other way. | H |
1166 | Questionable journalism | Take a sentence (or most of a sentence) that appears in text (not a headline) in The Washington Post or on washingtonpost.com dated March 10-21 and make up a question that the sentence could answer | H |
1163 | Put it in reverse | Spell a word, name or phrase backward and define the result in a way that relates to the original. | H |
1140 | You're giving us a bad name | Cite a REAL brand name, past or present, note its original use, and then say what sort of product, organization, etc., that name would be bad for. | H |
1139 | A little sixty-four play | Fashion an entry by selecting one element from each of the provided menu groups. Make sure you indicate the combination you chose (e.g., 2-C-iii). | H |
1130 | Yux Redux: Play on a foreign phrase | Make a word play on a foreign phrase or term (or English phrase using foreign words) and describe it. | H H H |
1125 | The song remains the sa | Supply a real song title that has the end or beginning -- or, what the heck, both -- chopped off and describe it. | H |
1118 | Breed 'em and weep | Breed any two of the provided 100 racehorses nominated for this year's Triple Crown events and name the foal the reflect both names. | H |
1096 | Picture this | Write a humorous caption for any of the provided Bob Staake cartoons. | H |
1079 | Little piddle riddle | Ask a question and answer it with a rhyme. | H |
1059 | With parens like these . . . | Add some words in parentheses to a well-known song title to make it funnier in some way. | H H |
1048 | Ask Backwards | You supply the questions to as many of the provided answers as you like. | H |
1039 | Shookespeare | Combine any of the words in Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" soliloquy, in any order, to create a humorous sentence or longer passage. | I |
670 | A Test of Character | Change a word or phrase by only one letter -- substitute one letter for another, add a letter or transpose two letters -- and explain how they are different or similar. | H |