158 SO SUE US Come up with frivolous lawsuits. P
153 STUMP US Complete this sentence, "I should be elected President of the United States because. . ." and launch your campaign. H
139 EMPLOYMENT LINES Come up with jobs that make even your crummy job seem good. H
123 WHY IS POOP FUNNY? Come up with creative answers to any of the five questions above that might be asked by a 5-year-old. 1
121 IT'S NO USE Come up with useless products. H H H
119 MUZAK TO OUR EAR Come up with unfortunate Muzak songs to hear on the phone while on hold. You can use either a song title or a lyric. 2
102 HELP! I'M A PRISONER IN THIS CONTEST Come up with fortune cookie messages that you would love to see, but never will. H
99 WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PICTURES? What's wrong with these pictures? H 2
98 YOUR CHEATIN' ART Come up with titles for country music songs featuring any one or more of the following themes: cheatin', thievin', drinkin', truckin', lovin' or dogs. H H
74 SHIRT HAPPENS In 10 words or fewer, what should the back of the "Year 2" T-shirt say? H H 2
57 CALLING THE TOON Who are these people, and what are they doing? H H
55 ESCAPE CLAUSES Send us self-serving moral loopholes through which the enterprising 1990s transgressor can crawl. H
50 GIVE US THIS DAY There are no holidays between Presidents' Day and Memorial Day, a cheerless run of more than three months. Let's stick one in there, somewhere. The holiday should celebrate something or someone uniquely American. Tell us the date, the name of the holiday and how it should be observed. 3 2
47 CAN YOU DO VERSE? Bad Valentine's Day poetry. Any rhyme scheme, any form of literary dysfunction. 2
45 INVITATION TO A DUAL, II. Deliver us a Good News-Bad News scenario. W H H
44 ADVERB PUBLICITY Write us a Tom Swiftly or two, updated for the '90s. Each must include a reference to a famous person or institution. H
41 READ-END COLLUSION Design a Style Invitational bumper sticker to be awarded to all Honorable Mentions. 2
39 WAY OUTSIDE THE LINES Name a new crayon color for the 1990s, with a description. 4
36 SCAM ON WRY Come up with a prank you can play, for fun, profit, or deliverance of a well-needed comeuppance. H
28 MOTHERS-IN-LAW OF INVENTION Propose some drastic change in government to help the economy or otherwise improve the quality of life in America. H
25 CAPTION CRUNCH Write a caption for any of these photos. 4
24 ASK BACKWARDS You are on "Jeopardy!" Those are the answers. What are the questions? H
22 STUMP US Come up with slogans for the 1996 presidential campaign. H H
18 PUNCH US IN THE EAR Give us a motto for The Washington Post. H H