131 DROODLEYSQUAT Come up with "droodles," simple geometric drawings with funny explanations. H
107 CLUSTERS' LAST STAND Take an actual star cluster, redraw the lines into a different image, and give it a new name. H
104 HERE, DOGGEREL Create poems so bad they thud. The first line must be a name. The second line can be as long or as short as you wish. The third line must sound the same as the first line, using the name as a verb or some other part of speech. H
84 THE WASHINGTON IRVINGS Come up with creative names for the high school football teams of real towns in America. H
82 PICTURE THIS Who are these people, and what are they doing? H
68 GIVE US A SIGN Come up with new astrological signs for the 1990s, together with one day's horoscope. 5
50 GIVE US THIS DAY There are no holidays between Presidents' Day and Memorial Day, a cheerless run of more than three months. Let's stick one in there, somewhere. The holiday should celebrate something or someone uniquely American. Tell us the date, the name of the holiday and how it should be observed. H
27 IT'S THE EPONYMY, STUPID Coin an eponym, a word or figure of speech based on the name of a famous person. You must define the word, and, if you wish, use it in a sentence. H
17 REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM Come up with an easy way to reduce the federal deficit, in 20 words or fewer. H
14 COLLECTIVE INSANITY Modernize collective nouns (as in a "pride" of lions or an "exaltation" of larks), inventing snide new names for groups of things. H H H
9 VANITY UNFAIR Create vanity license plates for famous people. H H
8 I AM SPURIOUS (YELLOW) Write a headline for the Weekly World News (Maximum length, 10 words) H
6 PUTTING WORDS IN THEIR MOUTHS In 40 words or less, write a caption for either of these two generic cartoons drawn by famed Style Invitational artist Marc Rosenthal. H