1630 | Be Mister Language Person | Dave Barry is back with his own Substack, and here's a chance to remind him how to do this English-advice bit. | W |
1629 | Ask Backwards | Once again, we give the answers, you give the questions. | H |
1627 | The Alternaugural Address | Write something funnier with the words from the latest Jan. 20 diatribe. | H H H H |
1626 | Bill Us Now | A wordplay game to join congressional names to 'cosponsor' legislation. | H 3 |
1624 | Heigh-ho! | Off to work you go: Give us some new dwarfs. | M |
1623 | Dead Letters | Write a funny poem about someone who died in 2024. | H H |
1622 | Jest One More Time | Enter any of the past 6 months' contests. | T H H H |
1621 | Redoer's Digest | Our 2024 retrospective, Part 1. | W H H H H |
1620 | Next Year in Review | Give us some events for our 2025 timeline. | H |
1619 | A So-So Contest | Give us jokes that are so [something] that [something]. | M H 2 |
1618 | Week 100! | ...which we celebrate with a centennial contest | M |
1617 | Mess With Our Heads | Look at a headline and see a funnier meaning. | H |
1614 | The Tile Invitational XI | Make up new words with the letters we give you | H H |
1612 | Asterisky Business | Put words in Horace's mouth: Tell us a joke that not everyone will get. | H H H |
1611 | Ask Backwards XLIII | We give you the 'answers'; you tell us the questions. | H |
1610 | Wryku | Write a haiku about something in the news. | H |
1609 | Saved! | Tell us funny ways to be thrifty in these parlous times | H |
1608 | Stick It | An election bumper sticker contest | H |
1607 | Funny, Init? | Compare two people who have the same initials. | H |
1606 | The Cold New Trend | What would be an even sillier new fad than decorator refrigerator shelves? | H |
1605 | Get Thee to a Punnery | Change a quote slightly and credit it to someone else. | H H |
1604 | Call Your Dog | Give us creative names for various pets | H |
1601 | Stop, Hey, What's That Sound? | Tell us what these noise-words mean. | H H |
1600 | Taylorgaters | Take a line from a 'Tortured Poets' lyric and rhyme it with one of your own. | H |
1599 | Picture This | It's our caption contest. | H H |
1598 | Same Difference | We give you a random list of things, and you tell us how any two are alike or different. | H H |
1594 | So Good! So Bad! So Ugly! | We bring back a classic contest | W H H |
1592 | It's Parody Time | Write a funny song about ... anything you like! | M H 2 |
1591 | Our Typo Humor | More fun with headlines. | H H |
1589 | Wait Wait Right Here! | Write some 'Not My Job' questions a la the NPR quiz show. | H H H |
1588 | Colt Fusion | Because of our munificense and guilt, you get a full hundred foal names to 'breed' for 'grandfoals' | H H H |
1586 | Pun for the Roses | Our annual crazy-popular horse 'breeding' wordplay contest. | H H H |
1585 | Bring Up the Rear | Move the last letter of a word to the front. | H H H H |
1583 | A Thousand Words | Write a funny poem about the artwork of your choice. | H 4 |
1581 | SOTU-Speak | Use words from Biden's State of the Union speech to write some lines for another oration. | H 3 |
1580 | Hi, Anxiety! | Tell us some funny ways to stress yourself out. | H 3 |
1578 | The Pepys Show | Give us a diary entry from anyone in history. | H |
1577 | Why the #$%#$% Not? | The Washington Post is looking for some bold ideas -- Let's show it some! | H H H |
1576 | Praise the Lurid! | Give us clickbait headlines for mundane stories. | H H H 2 |
1575 | The Ughscars and the Phewlitzers | Give us an idea for a bad book or movie. | W H H H H |
1573 | The Invitational Week 55: Tour de Fours — Be STUD-ly | Give us a new word or phrase containing 'DUST' in any order of letters. | H H H |
1572 | S Is for Smartass | Presenting the Devil's Alphabet Soup | W H H H H 3 |
1570 | The Invitational, Week 52: Replaying Around -- The 2023 retrospective, Part II | Enter or reenter our Week 26-50. | H H H |
1569 | Look Back in Inker -- Our 2023 retrospective, Part 1 | Enter or reenter our Week 1-25 contests. | H H H H H 2 |
1567 | Picture This | A caption contest | H H |
1566 | Well, the Good News Is ... | Put a positive spin on a bad-news headline | H |
1564 | "Air" "Quotes" | A new forefinger contest | H H H |
1563 | The Perfect(ly Ridiculous) Gift | Offer up some products for people-who-have-everything catalogs. | H H |
1562 | Rhyme and Rhyme Again | Write a funny "monorhyme", a poem whose lines all rhyme on the same sound. | H H H |
1561 | Let It Be a Lesson to Us | Tell us some things to be learned from Costco, the bathroom, TV shows, etc. | H H 2 |
1560 | The 'Hole Story | Write us a funny 'Am I The Asshole' question | H H H |
1559 | As the Word Turns | 'Discover' new words by snaking through this random grid | H H H |
1558 | It's Parody Time | Send up the news with those songs and videos you do so well | H |
1557 | Tailgating On the Highway | Pair a Dylan line with your own rhyming one | H H H |
1556 | Cross Us Up | Mirror a phrase, more or less | H H H |
1555 | Do You Have to Spell It Out for Us? | Give us "backronyms" | H |
1554 | U (Heart) TFG's BFFs | Reach out to beleaguered Trump supporters and bathe them in the warmth of your love, to help bind the nation’s wounds | H |
1552 | A Mirthday Party | Link two people who share a birthday | L H |
1551 | Ask Backwards XLII | We give the answers. You give the questions. | H H |
1550 | Holy Moly, It's Limerixicon XX | Write a limerick featuring a word beginning "ho-". | H |
1549 | The Tile Invitational X | It's our 10th running of this coin-a-word game. | H |
1547 | Alphabettering | Write a funny sentence containing all 26 letters. | H |
1546 | Put It in Bee-verse | Write a funny poem using a spelling bee word | H |
1545 | Their Base Behavior | Tell humorously how some business or organization could alter its product or message to appeal to Trump’s cult. | H |
1543 | F Things Up | Neologisms by adding Fs or changing letters to F | 2 |
1540 | Picture This | It's caption contest time, with eight motley pictures to choose from. | H H |
1539 | Get Real, Reel | Name a scene in a movie, a TV show, or literature, and tell us how it might be revised (perhaps less satisfyingly but far more realistically) | H H H |
1538 | Rhymes Against Humanity | Write a four-line poem about people in the news, using either of two poetic forms | H |
1535 | The Poops Diorama | Make some funny art with toilet paper and send us a photo. | H |
1534 | Pun for the Roses | Our renowned horse name 'breeding' contest returns! | H |
1533 | The Very Last 'Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions' | Tell us a stupid question followed by a funny retort. | 4 |
1530 | Mess With Our Heads | Reinterpret any headline by adding a 'bank head'. | H |
1529 | Hello, Dall-E! | Our new contest partners you and a machine. | H |
1528 | It's Our Birthday. Party Like It's 1993. | As the Invite turns 30, enter your choice of contests from our year of infancy | H H H |
1526 | Poke Us Till We Giggle | Write a "poke", or a joke recast as a rhyming poem | H |
1525 | Arty Har-har | Give us an idea for a humorously audacious modern art work | H H |
1524 | Picture This | A caption contest | H H |
1522 | Questionable Journalism | Find a sentence published in the next week and tell us what question it could answer | H |
1521 | Send Us the Bill | Our "Joint Legislation" contest | H |
1520 | Nextra! Nextra! | Read All About it. Predict the big news events of 2023 | H |
1515 | Munich-ipals -- European "sister cities | Choose any two or more towns from the 51 countries in Europe/Eurasia and come up with a joint endeavor the “sister cities” would undertake. | W |
1513 | You're such a card | Come up with a greeting card rhyme for an un-greeting-card occasion. | 4 |
1512 | Alphabetter | Write a 26-word sentence or other passage whose words each start with a different letter — except that the X in the X-word may appear elsewhere in the word, as long as the word has an “ex” syllable. | H |
1511 | The inside word--our 'air quote' contest | Highlight part of a word, name or short phrase in “air quotes” to give the word a new meaning or description. | H H |
1508 | Tour de Fours XIX —Laughtime Achievement | Coin a word or phrase containing the letters E-L-D-N — consecutively but in any order — and describe it. | H |
1503 | Sing of your supper--parodies about food | Write a humorous song on the subject of food. | H |