1128 Drone for a loop Give us some novel uses for a CICADA micro-drone, assuming that anyone can get one, and that it can have a micro-camera, micro-grips, etc. H H H
1011 Top these! Try your hand at any of the contests mentioned in this look back. H
981 Feeling testy Write a question that "ought to" be on a qualifying test for a particular job. H
977 Lost in Translation 2.0 Translate a line of text from English into another language using Google Translate; then copy that result and translate it back into English. You may also make intermediate steps into one or more other languages. H
976 Join now! Combine the beginning and end of any two words or names in this week's Style Invitational or Style Conversational columns to make a new term, and define it. H
975 Gone mything Debunk a "Sixth Myth" about one of more of the recent "5 Myths" topics provided. H
973 A real triple crown The horses in this week's list either produced no inking "foals" in Week 965, or ran in the Kentucky Derby but weren't on the initial list. "Breed" any two and name the foal. H H 2
972 Trends and neighbors Choose any two items on the provided list and explain how they are alike or different. H
969 Colt following Breed any two "foals" in today's results, and name the grandfoal. H
968 Take us for grants Come up with a proposal to the National Science Foundation or other research-funding organization for a study based on a stupid hypothesis. T
967 Overlap dance II Create a phrase that overlaps two terms, each of two words or more, and describe the result. H
966 Inkremental change Start with any word or name, and create a series of words that change by one letter at a time, until you come up with a related word or name. H
962 Questionable journalism Take any sentence (or a major part of it) that appears in the Post or in an article on anytime from now through March 19 and supply a question it could answer. T M H
959 Out of network Move a current or former TV program (or type of programming) to a different network and explain what would change. M
956 Give us some bad ideas Finish any of the provided "You know" phrases. H H
955 Twits' twist Create a phrase by combining a word or phrase with an anagram of that word or phrase, and define or describe it. H
952 Dead Letters Write a humorous poem about someone who died in 2011. M
950 Of all the nerve! Give us a humorous example of hypothetical chutzpah. M
949 Analogies Give us an analogy using "a is to b as x is to y." H
948 Look back in Inker Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 891 through 945 (except for Week 896, which was the same contest for the previous year). H
946 Another round of Bierce Write a clever definition of a word, name or multi-word term. H
944 Uh, yeah, it's just you Give us one or more "Is it just me" questions. T H
943 Ask backward XXIX You are on "Jeopardy!" You supply the questions for as many of the provided answers as you like. H H H
942 Singular ideas Give us an idea for a contest for which there's likely only one good entry. H
940 Our type o' headline Change a headline by one letter, or switch two letters, or change spacing or punctuation, in a headline (or most of a headline) appearing on an article or ad in The Washington Post or on from Oct. 7 through Oct. 17, and elaborate on it in a "bank" headline (subhead). H
938 Free and Lear Write a limerick using the first two lines of any of Edward Lear's 115 limericks plus your own remaining three lines. H
936 Hoho contendere Slightly alter a well-known foreign-language term and define it. H H
933 Stories that count (to 56) Write a humorous story in exactly 56 words. T
932 We'll call them your-mama jokes Tell us an original "your mama" joke. H H
927 Drive-By Shoutings Write a very short four-line “poem” promoting a product or company, or offering advice to drivers; the poem must rhyme, in ABAB or ABCB rhyme scheme. A fifth, non-rhyming line may state the product name or a conclusion. H
925 A remeaning task Redefine a word in the dictionary beginning with I through O. M H H H
924 Doomed to repeat it Create "Unreal Facts" about history. W
921 Give Us Willies Write an original Little Willie poem, perhaps reflecting our current era. This is a venerable four-line genre in which Master W. does some nasty thing and doesn't tend to learn to be a Good Boy by poem's end. H
920 Sarchiasm Write an original chiasmus, in which the elements of a phrase are inverted for comedic effect. H
919 Good Luck With 13 Alter a 13-letter word, phrase or name by one letter (add a letter, drop a letter, switch two letters somewhere in the word, or substitute one letter for another) and describe the result. T H
915 Picture this Write a caption for any of the cartoons pictured here. H H
913 Bring up the rear Move the last letter of an existing word or name to the front of the word, and define the new term. M H H
912 Pair-a-phrase Lift a word that appears inside a longer word; pair it with the original word to create a phrase; and define it. H
909 Reprizing Suggest humorous uses for one or more of the items above, alone or in combination. 2
904 We move on back Move the first letter in a word or name to the end of that word and define the resulting word. T H H
897 Catch their drift Take any sentence from an article or ad in The Washington Post or from Dec. 3 to Dec. 13 and translate it into "plain English. H
894 Look Back in Inker Enter any Style Invitational from Week 841 through Week 890 (except for Week 844). H
892 Get a move on Change the location of something for humorous effect. Provide an explanation if you wish. H
885 Mess with our heads Take any headline, verbatim, appearing anywhere in The Post or on from Sept. 10 through Sept. 20 and reinterpret it by adding a "bank head. H
881 What's in a name? Take the name of a person or institution. Find within it a hidden message. H
878 Safety in blunders Tell us a way to make the nation more secure. H H
873 Back to Square 1A Replace the shaded letters in this grid with your own letters to come up with a different word or phrase -- either an existing word or one you make up -- and define it humorously. H
872 Har Monikers Combine the first parts of each word in a famous person's or character's name -- in order -- and define it or use it in a sentence that somehow refers to its source. H
870 Let's play Nopardy Describe any of the above phrases in the form of a question. H
869 Clue us in Send us funny, clever clues for any of the words already in this grid. H
866 Natalie Portmanteau Begin with a real name; append to it a word, name or expression so that they overlap; and finally define (humorously, of course) the resulting phrase. H
865 No Googlenopes left Come up with a humorous Googlenope. H H
864 Oonerspisms Spoonerize a single word or a name by transposing different part of the word (more than two adjacent letters), and define the resultant new term. H
863 It's Post time Breed any two of 100 of the almost 400 horses eligible for this year's Triple Crown races, and name the foal. H H
862 Be cheerful Send us a cheer or fight song for any pro sports team or any national team. T M H
857 All FED Up Create a brand-new word or phrase that contains a block of three successive letters in the alphabet -- but the series must go backward through the alphabet. M
856 Titled Puerility Here are some untitled book covers. For any of them, tell us a title and synopsis of a book that will never be published. H
851 Going to the shrink Downsize the title of a book, movie or play to make it smaller or less momentous and describe it. H
849 Homonymphomania Create a new homonym (or homophone) for any existing word and define it. 2
845 Reologisms Write a description for any of 50 genuine Loser-created neologisms. H
844 Healthy choice Enter any Style Invitational from Week 790 through Week 840, except for Week 793 and Week 798. H
843 Prefrains Provide a sentence or two of lead-in to the first line of a well-known book, poem, or song. H
842 Ask backwards Here are your 12 possible answers. Tell us your joke in the form of a question, please. W H H
841 Food for naught Alter the name of a food or dish slightly and describe the result. H H H H
839 Overlap Dance Overlap two words that share two or more consecutive letters -- anywhere in the word, not just at the beginning or end -- into a single longer word, and define it. AND your portmanteau word must begin with a letter from A through D. H
838 Picture This Provide a caption for any of these pictures. H
836 Other People's Business Describe what might happen if any of the above institutions (a) were run by an institution of your choice or (b) ran an institution of your choice. H H
835 Tour de Fours VI Coin and define a humorous word that includes -- with no other letters between them, but in any order -- the letters T, H, R, and E. M H H 3
834 Fractured Compounds Combine two full words within any single article appearing in The Washington Post or on into a hyphenated compound word, and define or otherwise describe the result. H
833 Our Greatest Hit Start with a real word or multi-word term or name that begins with M, N, O, or P; add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter or transpose two adjacent letters; and define the new word. H 4
831 A Big To-Do Name a "bucket list" item for a well-known real or fictional character. H