1131 | One man's trash | Suggest a humorous way to reuse one or more of the items listed above -- or anything else advertised on RepurposedMaterialsinc.com. | H H |
1088 | Ask backwards with our answers, your questions | Supply the questions to as many of the 16 supplied answers as you like. | H |
725 | Beggars For Description | Describe, without being boring, a cartoon to fit any of the provided captions. | H |
588 | Gadget If You Can | Tell us what these nifty, indispensable items are. | H |
473 | Offensive Line | Find what's offensive in any of the provided cartoons, and explain. | H |
123 | WHY IS POOP FUNNY? | Come up with creative answers to any of the five questions above that might be asked by a 5-year-old. | H |