1363 The Year in Redo, Part 2 Enter (or reenter) any Style Invitational contest from Week 1334 through Week 1359. H
1339 Songs for a modern error Write humorous lyrics about some modern woe, set to a familiar tune. H
1319 The Tile Invitational VI Create a five-, six-, or seven-letter word (or phrase) by scrambling the letters of any of the provided sets and define it. H
1266 The Tile Invitational V Create a five-, six-, or seven-letter word (or phrase) by scrambling the letters of any of the provided sets and define it. H H
1253 Fashion x fiction: More fake trivia Tell us some totally bogus trivia about clothing or fashion. H
1147 It's E-Z find-a-word -- yours Create a word or multi-word term that consists of adjacent letters -- in any direction or several directions -- in the provided grid, and provide a humorous definition. H
1134 The 'Sty'le Invitational Red'ux' Put quotation marks around part of a word, name or phrase and define the result. H
1123 The Tile Invitational III Give us a five-, six-, or seven-letter word (or two words) by scrambling the letters of any of the provided seven-letter sets. H
1103 Themes good enough for us Suggest an existing song to be used as the theme for a TV series or program for comic effect. H
1101 The year in redo Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 1047 through Week 1097, except for Week 1050. H
1082 Band on the pun Alter the name of a music group or performer slightly -- not necessarily by just one letter, but enough so it's obvious what the original is -- and describe it in some way. H H
1072 The Tile Invitational Come up with a 5-, 6-, or 7-letter term by scrambling any of the provided seven-letter ScrabbleGram sets, and define it. H
1050 Just redo it Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 1000 through Week 1046. H
1049 Be rating Come up with a new movie rating and describe it. W
1047 Bank shots Quote a headline appearing in The Washington Post, or another publication, print or online, dated Nov. 14 to Nov. 25, and supply a humorous "bank" headline that either misinterprets it or comments wryly on it. H
1021 'Gram theft Come up with a term by scrambling any of the letters sets in the provided list, and define it. H
1006 It's a ... a ... Create a new superhero (or duo) and describe the superpower, or not-very-superpower. H
1001 Make us ROFL Give us a funny, original acronym. H
1000 We now have 4 digits; you now have 7 letters Choose any word, name or two-word term beginning anywhere from T through Z; then add one letter, drop one letter, substitute one letter for another, or transpose two adjacent letters, and define the result. H
999 Drectrospective Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 946 through Week 995, except for Week 948. L H
986 Hear here! Give us a sentence or short dialogue that would be a lot funnier if a word in it were mistaken for a homophone of that word. H
979 The madding crowd Suggest funny, original ways to tick people off. W
971 Double booking Come up with a double book with a humorous connection; the first title must be an actual book, while the other may be your own fictitious title or a second real book. H
960 Raving reviews Send us a creative "review" for any of the provided items that are listed on Amazon. H
956 Give us some bad ideas Finish any of the provided "You know" phrases. H H
939 MASH 2: The Retread Combine two movie titles and describe the result. H
936 Hoho contendere Slightly alter a well-known foreign-language term and define it. H
925 A remeaning task Redefine a word in the dictionary beginning with I through O. H H
924 Doomed to repeat it Create "Unreal Facts" about history. H
920 Sarchiasm Write an original chiasmus, in which the elements of a phrase are inverted for comedic effect. W H
916 Bank shots Take any headline, verbatim, appearing anywhere in The Post or on from April 22 through May 2 and reinterpret it by adding a "bank head," or subtitle. W H
899 Clue us in Send us funny, clever clues for any of the words already in this grid. H
851 Going to the shrink Downsize the title of a book, movie or play to make it smaller or less momentous and describe it. H
844 Healthy choice Enter any Style Invitational from Week 790 through Week 840, except for Week 793 and Week 798. W
841 Food for naught Alter the name of a food or dish slightly and describe the result. H
832 Clue Us In You supply one or more clues for the words in a filled-in grid. H H
828 Inhuman Puns Make a pun on the name of a familiar group, organization or company, and describe it or provide a quote from it. H H
809 Unkindest Cutlines Supply cutlines, or captions, for any of these newspaper photos. H
806 DQ Very Much Give us a phrase or sentence that would nip a potential relationship in the bud (or elsewhere). H H
790 If Only! Explain how the world would be different had some event not occurred. H H
781 Our Greatest Hit Start with a word or multi-word term that begins with I, J, K or L; either add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter or transpose two adjacent letters; and define the new word. H H
780 Location, Location, Location Say how you know you're in a particular place. 3
769 Splice Work If You Can Get It Combine two words -- overlapping by at least two letters -- into what's known by polysyllabic types as a portmanteau word, and by the rest of us as mash word, and define it. H H
768 The Events Described Herein Are Entirely Fictitious Come up with fictitious movie trivia. H
735 Look Back in Inker Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 680 through Week 731. H
728 Tour de Fours IV Coin and define a humorous word that includes -- with no other letters between them, but in any order you like -- the letters S, A, T and R. H
726 Limerixicon 4 Supply a humorous limerick based on any word in the dictionary beginning with cl- through co-. 3
718 Put Our Heads Together Create a new, funny headline from the words of any headlines appearing anywhere in a single day's Washington Post (or on H H
698 Let's Get Personnel Send us some humorously creative questions that a job interviewer would ask an applicant, or some questions it might be fun to ask the interviewer. H
688 Making Short Work Write a humorous six-word story. H
673 Mess With Our Heads Take any headline, verbatim, appearing anywhere in The Washington Post or on from July 30 through Aug. 7 and reinterpret it by adding either a "bank headline," or subtitle, or the first sentence of an article that might appear under it. H
653 It's the Eponymy, Stupid Coin a word or expression based on the name of a well-known person, define it, and perhaps use it in a sentence H
651 Show Us Some Character Add a character to a book or movie and tell us what happens in it. H
642 It's Open Season Come up with a brand-new word and its definition. The words must begin with O, P, Q, R or S. H
625 Haven't Seen It Make up a new plot for an existing movie title. H H
606 The News Could be Verse Translate the fine prose of Washington Post articles into verse. Choose any article appearing in The Post of on its Web site from April 17 through April 25. H
602 Take a Letter -- Again Take a word, term or name that begins with A, B, C or D; either add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter, or transpose two letters; and define the new word. H
591 Dead Letters Write rhyming poems about notable personages who have died in the past year. H
586 God's Will (and Won't) Complete either of the following: "If God hadn't wanted us to ----, God wouldn’t have ----"; "If God had wanted us to ----, God would have ----. H
538 Try, Try Again Enter any previous Invitational. Your entry must be substantially different from the original winners. H
535 Picture This Can you tell us what astonishing news Bob Staake is trying to pass on with cartoons? W
476 Portmanteautapping Make a new word by squishing together two existing words. The constituent words must share at least two letters. H