1444 It's a whole new all-game Slightly change the name of a sport, sports event or similar pastime to create a new one, and briefly describe it. H
1380 Both sides now Delete one or more letters (in a row) from a word or brief phrase to find another word, and define it. H
1353 What's playing at the retroplex Change a movie title to its "opposite" by reversing one or more words; then describe the new movie. H
1113 Our occasional parodies Write a song celebrating someone's birthday or other personal occasion (rather than, say, a holiday), set to a familiar tune. H
1042 Tour de Fours X: Go SANE Create a new word or two-word term containing the letter block S-A-N-E -- in any order, but consecutively, and define it. H
1037 Outrage us Find something offensive about an inoffensive name of a product, organization, place, etc. H
813 Aw, Shocks Give us a humorous example of the "shocking -- not. H
793 Take The Fifth Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 725 through Week 789. Each entry must include the word "five" of "fifth" or something fiveish, or -- depending on your favorite anniversary tradition -- something involving (a) wood or (b) silverware. H
789 Doctrine in The House? State a humorous, original "doctrine" for a person or other entity. 4
785 The Ballad Box Write a short, humorous song somehow relating to the presidential campaign, set to a familiar tune. H 2
782 That's the Ticket! Explain why any of the items on the list below is qualified to be President of the United States. H
779 Gripe for the Picking Rant about any issue that wouldn't make your top 100 for airing in The Post. H
774 Tour De Forks Supply a name for a restaurant dish named after someone (or some product or organization) and describe it. H
772 Make It Simile, Stupid Translate a sentence or two of literature or other good writing so that "Los Angeles residents under 40" can appreciate it. H