1036 Just for liffs Use a real place name, from anywhere in the world, as a new term. W H
898 Pre-current events Predict some humorous news event that would happen in 2011. H
796 Sincerest Flattery Make up a pun on a familiar name of a real of fictional person and provide a fitting description or quote. H
739 Lies, All Lies Give us some humorous fictional revelation about a current or past political figure. W
723 Name Your Poison Create a name and recipe for a cocktail and, if you like, describe when it might be served. H 3
702 Unreal Facts Come up with a comically false factoid. H
661 Name Any Good Movies Lately? Give us a funny new title for an existing movie. H
654 It Plays to Recycle Come up with funny ways to recycle things, people, writing (except for your old Invitational entries) or ideas. H
644 Winter Limp Picks Brighten up the Winter Olympics with some new events and rules. Alternatively, you can suggest a commercial or ad campaign that could be tied in with the Winter Games or one of its sports. W
593 Take This, Job, and . . . Come up with some entertainingly awful things that a Job's comforter might offer. A Job's comforter is someone who seems to be offering sympathy but instead just makes the person feel worse, either intentionally or unintentionally. H
515 A Cellebration of Tasteful Living Come up with ways that Martha Stewart can prettify and improve her new prison surroundings using only her skills, her impeccable taste and those resources available to her. I
513 It's Delete We Can Do Come up with very bad subject lines for spam e-mail--lines that will guarantee instant deletion, sight unseen. H
506 The Battle of All Mottoes Provide a slogan for any federal department agency, department, office, etc. H
505 The Rule of Dumb You are given $1 million. Conditions: (1) You must spend it all. (2) You must use it in a way that neither directly nor indirectly works to your financial benefit. (3) You may not use it to alleviate the suffering of anyone on Earth, or for any public-spirited project other than the joy of stupidity. H
504 Life Is Snort Write a schmaltzy last line of a "Life Is Short. H
388 Pitches in the Dirt Come up with a sales pitch to get any surplus product off the shelves. H
343 Eastwood Ho. Create a Good-Bad-Ugly progression. 1
304 TIME OF THE SIGNS Come up with appropriate signage to appear outside any business or retail establishment in the Washington area, including government offices. 3
285 ELEVENIS, ANYTWO? Take a common phrase containing a specific number, add or subtract one, and explain the revised phrase. H
263 THE GAME OF THE NAME Propose a bad name for the provided categories. H H
236 CALLING THE TOON. What is happening here? H
222 TRIP DEUCES Take the two subject listings at the top of any page of the Yellow Pages and create a dictionary definition for the compound word they form. 6
220 RSVP Provide an answer to any of the dumb questions from Week 217. H
219 VERBOSITY Come up with new, obnoxious, self-conscious faux verbs and use them in sentences. H
213 A SIN OF THE TIMES Submit campaign or other political practices that would be illegal and/or unethical. H
207 TIED TO BE FIT Each of the eight provided items is related, in some fashion, to one or more of the provided individuals. You make the connections. H
201 THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE Come up with a new element and its symbol, and provide a brief description of its chemical or physical properties. 1
195 THE MARTHIAN CHRONICLES Come up with items for Martha Stewart's December-January calendar of projects. H
191 GOING THROUGH A PHRASE Come up with phrase for an American English phrasebook that would provide no practical help whatsoever to a foreigner trying to get along in the United States. H
182 CAN YOU STOP THIS? Come up with a conversation stopper, a line likely to end all further discourse, perhaps even empty a room. H H
165 WHEEL OF TORTURE Complete any of the provided "Wheel of Fortune" phrases. H
153 STUMP US Complete this sentence, "I should be elected President of the United States because. . ." and launch your campaign. H
151 STRIP MINING Come up with a concept for a new, controversial strip to replace an existing one in The Post. H
150 TRIAL BALLOONS What are the people saying? H H
147 JUST FOR LIFFS Come up with original liffs, which identify a familiar, tantalizing concept without a word to define it, and pairs it with a perfectly good but underutilized word that just loafs around on maps and street signs. H
140 WHAT IF YOU GIVE IT A TRY? Come up with "What-If" scenarios and logical outcomes. 3
138 LIST BUT NOT LEAST Come up with Top-10-style lists for any of the above four subjects. H H
135 JERRY-BUILT SOLUTIONS Come up with Seinfeld-isms: whiny, quirky musings on little questions of life. H
134 A SIMPLE CLERIHEW ERROR Revive clerihews. A clerihew is a biographical poem in four lines divided into two rhyming couplets. The rhyme scheme is aa bb. The first line of the clerihew must contain the name of the subject of the poem. The lines must be of disparate meter, the clunkier the better. 4
108 NEAR MISSES Come up with the first drafts of great lines in history, entertainment or literature. 1