1444 It's a whole new all-game Slightly change the name of a sport, sports event or similar pastime to create a new one, and briefly describe it. H
1020 Colt following Breed any two of this week's winning foals and name the grandfoal. H
1010 Picture this Write a caption for any of the five provided cartoons. H
1007 Clue us in Come up with creative, funny clues for the words and multi-word terms in the provided grid. H
988 A faster break Suggest ways to make sports and other leisure activities more time-efficient or exciting. 4
940 Our type o' headline Change a headline by one letter, or switch two letters, or change spacing or punctuation, in a headline (or most of a headline) appearing on an article or ad in The Washington Post or on from Oct. 7 through Oct. 17, and elaborate on it in a "bank" headline (subhead). 2
939 MASH 2: The Retread Combine two movie titles and describe the result. H
937 Staake it to him Write a caption for any of the five pages or details pictured from some of Bob's more than 50 picture books. 2
936 Hoho contendere Slightly alter a well-known foreign-language term and define it. 2
932 We'll call them your-mama jokes Tell us an original "your mama" joke. 4
930 We WANT stupid complaints! Complain comically unreasonably about some innocuous thing appearing in the print Post or on over the next week or the previous few days. H
912 Pair-a-phrase Lift a word that appears inside a longer word; pair it with the original word to create a phrase; and define it. H H
886 Look both ways Give us a new term that's a palindrome and define it. H
885 Mess with our heads Take any headline, verbatim, appearing anywhere in The Post or on from Sept. 10 through Sept. 20 and reinterpret it by adding a "bank head. H
883 Same difference Choose any two items from the list above and explain why they are alike or are different from each other. H
881 What's in a name? Take the name of a person or institution. Find within it a hidden message. H
878 Safety in blunders Tell us a way to make the nation more secure. H
877 Quipped from the headlines Write a rhyming couplet about some matter in the news. H
245 LIKE FUN Complete any of the provided "A is like B because" sentences. I