1055 | Oh, K! | This week, to commemorate both Kevin Dopart and his 1K ink blots: Change a word, phrase or name by adding one or more K's, and define your new term. | H |
1021 | 'Gram theft | Come up with a term by scrambling any of the letters sets in the provided list, and define it. | H H |
1017 | Vowel play | Write a "univocalic" newspaper headline -- one that uses only one vowel throughout. | H |
817 | Flopflip | Reverse the first half and second half of a word or name and define the result. | H |
794 | Ripped Off From the Headlines | Send us some Onion-type headlines. | H |
793 | Take The Fifth | Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 725 through Week 789. Each entry must include the word "five" of "fifth" or something fiveish, or -- depending on your favorite anniversary tradition -- something involving (a) wood or (b) silverware. | H H |
792 | Clue Us In | Compile a set of funny alternative clues to a crossword penned by Ace Constructor Paula Gamache. | H |
789 | Doctrine in The House? | State a humorous, original "doctrine" for a person or other entity. | H |
787 | Tour de Fours V | Coin and define a humorous word that includes -- with no other letters between them, but in any order -- the letters M, I, N and E. | H H H |
778 | Tied Games | Combine any two sports or nonathletic activities into a single sport or game. | W |
717 | Pitch Us a No-Hitter | Send us some genuine Googlenopes. A Googlenope is a phrase or very brief sentence that, entered into the Google search engine with quotation marks around it, produces no hits. | H |