1629 Ask Backwards Once again, we give the answers, you give the questions. H
1621 Redoer's Digest Our 2024 retrospective, Part 1. H
1617 Mess With Our Heads Look at a headline and see a funnier meaning. H
1612 Asterisky Business Put words in Horace's mouth: Tell us a joke that not everyone will get. H
1611 Ask Backwards XLIII We give you the 'answers'; you tell us the questions. H
1609 Saved! Tell us funny ways to be thrifty in these parlous times H
1608 Stick It An election bumper sticker contest H H
1605 Get Thee to a Punnery Change a quote slightly and credit it to someone else. H
1602 We Got Game Tell us some funny ways to 'improve' a sport. H
1597 The Farce of July Give us new ways to celebrate Independence Day. H
1581 SOTU-Speak Use words from Biden's State of the Union speech to write some lines for another oration. H 2
1577 Why the #$%#$% Not? The Washington Post is looking for some bold ideas -- Let's show it some! H
1576 Praise the Lurid! Give us clickbait headlines for mundane stories. H H
1575 The Ughscars and the Phewlitzers Give us an idea for a bad book or movie. H H
1573 The Invitational Week 55: Tour de Fours — Be STUD-ly Give us a new word or phrase containing 'DUST' in any order of letters. H
1564 "Air" "Quotes" A new forefinger contest H
1563 The Perfect(ly Ridiculous) Gift Offer up some products for people-who-have-everything catalogs. H H
1444 It's a whole new all-game Slightly change the name of a sport, sports event or similar pastime to create a new one, and briefly describe it. I H H
1385 Don't you want to see new places? Change any place name slightly and describe the new place. H
1361 2020 vision -- the year in preview Name some humorous news event to happen in 2020. H
1341 Portmanteautapping from E to R Coin a portmanteau word beginning with E through R, in which the words overlap by at least two letters, and describe it. H
1340 Not-ables -- slightly alter a famous name Slightly alter the name (make sure the original is obvious) of a famous personage -- past or present, real or fictional -- and describe the resulting nonpersonage, or offer a quote from that person, or both. H
1334 Mull 'er over: A search for collision Combine any two words, names, abbreviations, etc., from anywhere in the redacted Mueller report, in a two-word or hyphenated phrase and define it. H
1333 Check your (homo)phones Invent a homophone--a word that sounds the same as an existing word but is spelled differently--and define it. H
1331 Paste Imperfect Choose a headline or sentence from The Post or another publication, print or online, dated May 9-20, 2019. Then change that headline or other text by:
     A. Deleting up to 40 consecutive characters from it (put brackets around the deleted text);
     B. Adding up to 40 consecutive characters from the same article or ad (write the additions in capital letters);
     or C. Both A and B, as long as the added text goes at the end of your headline or sentence.
1330 Spinoff x Time Is Now = Grandfoals Week! Breed" any two of the 65 foal names that got ink this week, and name the offspring to reflect both parents' names. H
1307 One-for-one for all Replace one letter in an existing word, name or multi-word phrase with one different letter (in the same place in the word) and define or describe the result. H
1305 Hits and Googles Find us either a Googlenope -- a phrase in quotation marks that generates no previous hits -- or a Googleyup, a phrase that surprisingly does have hits. H
1303 Neologisms to di- for Replace a digraph in an existing word or phrase with another digraph to make a new term. H
1285 That is so wrong! Supply a trivia question along with both the correct answer and a cleverly "wrong" guess. H
1244 Primed for product reviews Send us a creative "review" for any of the provided items that are listed on Amazon. H
1220 O pedantry, O pedantry Give us some humorous pedantry. H
1218 Mess with our -- or anyone else's -- heads Reinterpret (or comment wryly on) a headline appearing in the Post (print or online or another publication dated March 9-20) by writing a bankhead, or subtitle. H
1205 Could we just have a do-over? Yes, we could. Enter (or re-enter) any Style Invitational contest from Week 1149 to 1201, except for Week 1152, last year's do-over. H
1152 Oops? You do it again. Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 1098 through Week 1148, except for Week 1101, last year's do-over. W
1141 Mess with our heads Reinterpret (or comment wryly on) a headline appearing in the Post (print or online) Sept. 17-28 by writing a bankhead, or subtitle. H
1111 When you riff upon a store Use a wordplay on a song title as a name or slogan for a real or imagined business. H
1081 It's the stupidity, stupid Write us stupid questions that will make us laugh. H H
1047 Bank shots Quote a headline appearing in The Washington Post, or another publication, print or online, dated Nov. 14 to Nov. 25, and supply a humorous "bank" headline that either misinterprets it or comments wryly on it. H
1001 Make us ROFL Give us a funny, original acronym. H
998 Set the law on us Suggest an odd law for a particular place in the world. H
992 Mittsterpiece Theatre Suppose public-TV shows, past or present, were turned out onto the open market to make a living on commercial TV. Tell us what would happen. 2
988 A faster break Suggest ways to make sports and other leisure activities more time-efficient or exciting. H
979 The madding crowd Suggest funny, original ways to tick people off. H
973 A real triple crown The horses in this week's list either produced no inking "foals" in Week 965, or ran in the Kentucky Derby but weren't on the initial list. "Breed" any two and name the foal. H
968 Take us for grants Come up with a proposal to the National Science Foundation or other research-funding organization for a study based on a stupid hypothesis. H
960 Raving reviews Send us a creative "review" for any of the provided items that are listed on Amazon. H 3
956 Give us some bad ideas Finish any of the provided "You know" phrases. H
950 Of all the nerve! Give us a humorous example of hypothetical chutzpah. L
949 Analogies Give us an analogy using "a is to b as x is to y." H
944 Uh, yeah, it's just you Give us one or more "Is it just me" questions. 3
918 Colt Following Breed any two "foals" in today's results, or one foal with one of the real horse names used in today's entries--and name the "grandfoal." The name may not exceed 18 characters, including spaces, and your entry shouldn't remotely duplicate any of today's results. H
908 Recast away Fire an actor or actress from a movie or TV show, past or present, and offer a replacement for the role. H