1011 | Top these! | Try your hand at any of the contests mentioned in this look back. | H |
969 | Colt following | Breed any two "foals" in today's results, and name the grandfoal. | H |
965 | Foaling around | Breed any two of the horses in this year's Triple Crown races and name their foal. | H |
947 | Tour de Fours VIII: Neologisms | Come up with a new word or two-word term that includes the letter block N-O-E-L, in any order but with no other letters between them, and define it. | W |
943 | Ask backward XXIX | You are on "Jeopardy!" You supply the questions for as many of the provided answers as you like. | H |
938 | Free and Lear | Write a limerick using the first two lines of any of Edward Lear's 115 limericks plus your own remaining three lines. | H |