1623 | Dead Letters | Write a funny poem about someone who died in 2024. | H |
1583 | A Thousand Words | Write a funny poem about the artwork of your choice. | H |
1571 | Dead Letters, our annual obit contest | Write a funny verse about someone who died in 2023. | H H |
1570 | The Invitational, Week 52: Replaying Around -- The 2023 retrospective, Part II | Enter or reenter our Week 26-50. | H |
1534 | Pun for the Roses | Our renowned horse name 'breeding' contest returns! | H |
1509 | MASH MASH: combine 2 one-word movies | Combine two single-word movie titles to make a new movie and describe it. | H |
1469 | Post Mortems 2021, our obit poems | Write a poem of no longer than eight lines (plus an optional title) about someone who died in 2021. | H |
1459 | And we quote: 'It's Parody Time' | Write humorous first-person lyrics for a song "by" some particular person. | H |
1388 | Turning around a business | Create a business, product, organization or similar entity that contains a word, name or phrase and its anagram, and describe it. | H |
1379 | Your wish: A pun -- a star | Tell a joke, in your choice of form, whose punchline is a pun on a song title or lyric. | H |
1339 | Songs for a modern error | Write humorous lyrics about some modern woe, set to a familiar tune. | 3 |
1324 | Chapter and worse | Tell or describe a Bible story, or another classical or folk tale, very briefly (75 words would be lengthy) in the voice of a particular author or other person. | H |
1318 | Love the tiny tail stain! | Create an anagram -- a phrase or sentence with the letters rearranged -- of any text (except merely someone's name), of any length. | H |
1292 | Golly gosh, it's Limerixicon XV | Supply a humorous, previously unpublished limerick significantly featuring any English word, name or term, beginning with "gl-" through "go-". | H |
1262 | Clue us in -- a backward crossword | Supply one or more creative clues for the provided filled-in crossword grid -- as many as 25 clues in all. | H H |
1239 | MASH 3 | Combine two movie titles and describe the result. | H H |
1226 | Colt following: The 'grandfoals' | Breed" any two of the 61 foal names that got ink this week, and name the offspring to reflect both parents names. | 2 |
1225 | The Ideas of March | Suggest a march for some group or field, along with one or more slogans. (You might also, or instead, comment on the march with some pertinent wordplay.) | H H |
1219 | Cast your Bred upon us | Write a Lik the Bred verse about someone in the news lately. | 4 |
1211 | The best tweets in history | Write a stupidly disparaging tweet (140 characters or fewer, including spaces) about some laudable figure of past or present, true or fictional. | H |
1208 | A RIP-roaring year: Obit poems | Write a humorous poem of no longer than eight lines about someone who died in 2016. | H |
1207 | Clue us in -- a reverse crossword | Supply clever, funny clues to up to 25 of the 72 words and multi-word terms in the provided grid. | H |
1203 | You've got the powers | Tell us what you would do if you had one or more of the six magical powers provided. | H |
1202 | Don't be afraid of the dark | Write lyrics to a song that, in some way, express hope. | H |