936 | Hoho contendere | Slightly alter a well-known foreign-language term and define it. | H |
932 | We'll call them your-mama jokes | Tell us an original "your mama" joke. | H |
917 | Wryku | Write a haiku--a sentiment that can be broken into three lines with exactly five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, five in the third--on any subject that's been in the news in the last couple of weeks. | H |
910 | Your ad here | Slightly alter an advertising slogan so that someone else could use it. | H |
900 | Dear us! | Submit a "Dear Blank" letter to us instead. | H |
839 | Overlap Dance | Overlap two words that share two or more consecutive letters -- anywhere in the word, not just at the beginning or end -- into a single longer word, and define it. AND your portmanteau word must begin with a letter from A through D. | 2 |
838 | Picture This | Provide a caption for any of these pictures. | H |
833 | Our Greatest Hit | Start with a real word or multi-word term or name that begins with M, N, O, or P; add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter or transpose two adjacent letters; and define the new word. | H |
828 | Inhuman Puns | Make a pun on the name of a familiar group, organization or company, and describe it or provide a quote from it. | H H |