1629 Ask Backwards Once again, we give the answers, you give the questions. H H 2
1628 Pith Us Off Write a short, snarky 'Balliol rhyme' about someone. H
1620 Next Year in Review Give us some events for our 2025 timeline. H
1611 Ask Backwards XLIII We give you the 'answers'; you tell us the questions. H
1609 Saved! Tell us funny ways to be thrifty in these parlous times H
1608 Stick It An election bumper sticker contest H H H
1602 We Got Game Tell us some funny ways to 'improve' a sport. H
1601 Stop, Hey, What's That Sound? Tell us what these noise-words mean. 4
1598 Same Difference We give you a random list of things, and you tell us how any two are alike or different. H
1590 All You Need Is Ink Take a line from a Beatles song and rhyme it with your own. H
1588 Colt Fusion Because of our munificense and guilt, you get a full hundred foal names to 'breed' for 'grandfoals' H H
1586 Pun for the Roses Our annual crazy-popular horse 'breeding' wordplay contest. H H H
1578 The Pepys Show Give us a diary entry from anyone in history. H
1567 Picture This A caption contest 2
1556 Cross Us Up Mirror a phrase, more or less 2
1551 Ask Backwards XLII We give the answers. You give the questions. H
1545 Their Base Behavior Tell humorously how some business or organization could alter its product or message to appeal to Trump’s cult. W H
1539 Get Real, Reel Name a scene in a movie, a TV show, or literature, and tell us how it might be revised (perhaps less satisfyingly but far more realistically) H
1537 A Crooning Achievement Write a lyric for a politician to sing. H
1534 Pun for the Roses Our renowned horse name 'breeding' contest returns! H H
1531 The Worst New Contest Ever Describe something that would be worse than a second Trump presidency 4
1492 Set us right -- conservative humor Send us conservative-leaning humor in a Q&A joke format or a knock-knock joke. H
1486 No can do: Signs of incompetence Give us a clue that someone was incompetent in a given field. 4
1444 It's a whole new all-game Slightly change the name of a sport, sports event or similar pastime to create a new one, and briefly describe it. H H
1437 One-offs: A 'typo' neologism contest You're a fat-fingered typist: Change a word, name or phrase by either adding or substituting one letter that's adjacent (in any direction) to the original one on a regular QWERTY keyboard, or by doubling the correct letter. H
1429 Forsoothsayers Quote a line or so from any Shakespeare work, and exemplify it with a contemporary quote, real or imagined. H
1427 Rocky of ages, or Badenov for you? State any historical event -- right up to 2021 -- in the provided "A, or B" format. H
1405 Okay, once more around the track Breed" any two of the provided foal names that got ink in Week 1400 and name the offspring to reflect both parents' names. H
1400 Back on track with our classic 'foal' contest Breed" any two of the provided names of the 100 horses nominated for the 2020 Triple Crown races and name the "foal" to humorously reflect the parents' names. H
1398 This is the year that is Describe the year 2020 in a novel, colorful metaphor or simile. You may also offer an original graphic. H
1356 Ask Backwards 38 Sixteen "answers" are provided. Tell us the questions. H
1326 Foaling around Breed" any two names from the provided list of 100 horses and name the foal to reflect both names. H
1112 Some SHARP words Coin a word or short term that includes all the letters S, H, A, R, and P. H
1066 It's mating season Breed" any two from the provided list of 100 of the 3-year-old racehorses nominated for this year's Triple Crown and name the foal to reflect both names. H
1042 Tour de Fours X: Go SANE Create a new word or two-word term containing the letter block S-A-N-E -- in any order, but consecutively, and define it. H
967 Overlap dance II Create a phrase that overlaps two terms, each of two words or more, and describe the result. H