1357 | It's parody time! | Write a satirical song about anything in the news right now, set to a familiar tune. | H |
1302 | Ask Backwards 37 | Fifteen "answers" are provided. Tell us the questions. Do one or more, up to a total of 25 A&Q's. | H |
1046 | Derive us crazy | Offer a bogus but funny explanation of how a particular expression originated. | 2 |
1003 | Just do it | Use a well-known advertising slogan for a different company, organization or product to humorous effect. | 3 |
869 | Clue us in | Send us funny, clever clues for any of the words already in this grid. | W |
861 | It's incumbent upon us | Combine the names of two or more freshman members of Congress to create "joint legislation." This week's pool of legislators includes only those who were elected to their seats before 1994, the first year we ran the freshman contest. | H |