198 YOU MUST BE MAD II Come up with proposals designed to infuriate special interest groups. H H
78 SEEKING SMART MORONS Come up with an oxymoron for our times, an expression made bogus by the fact that it combines incompatible, contradictory ideas. H
76 ADIOS. Tell us, in 40 words or fewer, what is great about August in Washington. It's August, and we're out of here. H
74 SHIRT HAPPENS In 10 words or fewer, what should the back of the "Year 2" T-shirt say? H
73 LUNACY Tell us what Neil Armstrong should have said upon stepping onto the moon's surface, instead of what he did, the greatest gaffe in the history of Historic Sayings. H
68 GIVE US A SIGN Come up with new astrological signs for the 1990s, together with one day's horoscope. H
62 BAD NEWS BEARERS Come up with statements one would not want to hear from friends, relatives, service personnel, etc. H
57 CALLING THE TOON Who are these people, and what are they doing? H
56 DO THE HOOKY POKEY Come up with inventive ways to call in sick or otherwise persuade your employer you must miss a day. H
54 ODD COUPLING Write comical combinations of famous names, by marriage or other conceit. I
50 GIVE US THIS DAY There are no holidays between Presidents' Day and Memorial Day, a cheerless run of more than three months. Let's stick one in there, somewhere. The holiday should celebrate something or someone uniquely American. Tell us the date, the name of the holiday and how it should be observed. H
37 A STATE OF DISGRACE? Propose any of the following for D.C.: A State Name, A State Flower, A State Bird, A State Slogan, A State Capital, A Governor, An Insulting State Joke. H
36 SCAM ON WRY Come up with a prank you can play, for fun, profit, or deliverance of a well-needed comeuppance. H
34 INSPECT A GADGET What do these machines do? H
32 FATAL ART ATTACK In 50 words or fewer, describe a performance art concept that might get public funding. Winners will be audacious enough to seem like art, but pretentious enough to seem to have a social "message. H
31 INVITATION TO A DUAL Divide the world into two types of people. W
25 CAPTION CRUNCH Write a caption for any of these photos. H
21 A SO-SO CONTEST Describe somebody--or something--through exaggerated comparison. H
16 I AM ADDICTED TO AN ASININE CONTEST. . . Come up with sleazy new topics for the daytime talks. H 5