1627 | The Alternaugural Address | Write something funnier with the words from the latest Jan. 20 diatribe. | H 2 |
1354 | As the Word turns 5: Taking our vowels | Discover" a word or multiword term that consists of adjacent letters -- in any direction or several directions -- in the provided grid, and provide a humorous definition. | P |
1167 | So what's to liken? | Take any two items from the provided list and explain how they're similar or different, or connect them some other way. | H |
1150 | A deviant character | Change the name of person or animal -- real or fictional -- by adding or subtracting one letter; substituting one letter for another; or switching the positions of two nearby letters, and describing the results. | H |
1123 | The Tile Invitational III | Give us a five-, six-, or seven-letter word (or two words) by scrambling the letters of any of the provided seven-letter sets. | H |
1107 | Send us the bill | Combine two or more names from the list of members of Congress on this page to "cosponsor" a bill based on their combined last names, and state its purpose. | H |
1097 | Futz your sign | Select a line from one of the horoscopes appearing anytime from Nov. 6 through Nov. 17 in the Washington Post's daily Style or on washingtonpost.com and "clarify" it with a translation or extra "information". | H |
1049 | Be rating | Come up with a new movie rating and describe it. | 3 |
1048 | Ask Backwards | You supply the questions to as many of the provided answers as you like. | H H |
1046 | Derive us crazy | Offer a bogus but funny explanation of how a particular expression originated. | H |
1039 | Shookespeare | Combine any of the words in Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" soliloquy, in any order, to create a humorous sentence or longer passage. | H |
1023 | Hai there, Martians! | Write one or more humorous haiku that will greet the Martians or share a little nugget of what life is like on Earth. | H |
1022 | What's the diff? | Explain how any two of the provided items are alike or different. | 4 |
1019 | What a turnoff | Tell us some creative things that children and families could do during Screen-Free Week. | 4 |
1003 | Just do it | Use a well-known advertising slogan for a different company, organization or product to humorous effect. | H |
998 | Set the law on us | Suggest an odd law for a particular place in the world. | H |
994 | Stick it to us | Suggest a slogan for one of our two new honorable-mention Loser Magnets for 2012-2013. | H |
986 | Hear here! | Give us a sentence or short dialogue that would be a lot funnier if a word in it were mistaken for a homophone of that word. | 4 |
976 | Join now! | Combine the beginning and end of any two words or names in this week's Style Invitational or Style Conversational columns to make a new term, and define it. | H |
970 | Couple it | Take a line from any well-known poem and pair it with your own second line to make a humorous couplet. | H |
963 | The overlap dance | Send us a Before & After "person" whose name combines two people's names, real or fictional (okay, you can use animals' names, too), and describe the person in a funny way. | H H |
934 | Same difference | Explain how any two items in the provided list are similar or different. | H |
923 | Chemical Wordfare | Create a new chemical element or other chemical term. | H |
852 | Small, Let's get | Write a rhopalic sentence (or fanciful newspaper headline) in which each successive word is one letter shorter. | H |
800 | Compairison | Briefly define or sum up an existing word or short phrase, then change it very slightly and do the same with the result. | H |
790 | If Only! | Explain how the world would be different had some event not occurred. | H |
773 | Always Looking for Sects | Coin a religion or belief system and tell us its basic tenet or distinguishing characteristic. | H |
770 | A Knack for Anachronism | Take a famous historical moment, literary passage, or movie scene and place it in an entirely different age. | H |
760 | Whacksy Buildup | Describe any of these Googlewhacks in the form of a question, "Jeopardy"-style. | H |
750 | Hit Us With Your Best Shot: Photo Contest No. 4 | Illustrate, any way you like, any of the provided five captions with your own original photo. | H |
735 | Look Back in Inker | Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 680 through Week 731. | H |
734 | Turnaround Time | Write a rhyming couplet containing two words that are anagrams of each other. | H |
720 | The Course of Humor Events | Sum up a historical event in a two-line rhyme or other clever and pithy epigram. | H H |
702 | Unreal Facts | Come up with a comically false factoid. | H |
699 | Our Greatest Hit | Take a word, term or name that begins with E, F, G or H; either add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter, or transpose two letters; and define the new word. | H |
693 | Everything Being Sequel | Give a brief scenario for the sequel to a well-known movie. | W |
692 | Reinkernation | Enter any Style Invitational contest from Week 640 through Week 688. Every entry must include the word "three" or "third" or a creative variation. | H |
602 | Take a Letter -- Again | Take a word, term or name that begins with A, B, C or D; either add one letter, subtract one letter, replace one letter, or transpose two letters; and define the new word. | H |
583 | Mess With Our Heads | Take any headline, verbatim, from the Washington Post or its Web site from today through next Sunday, and reinterpret it by writing either a "bank headline"--or subtitle--or the first sentence of an article that changes the original meaning entirely. | H |
568 | Tome Deftness | Make a pun or similar wordplay on a book title. | 3 |