1561 | Let It Be a Lesson to Us | Tell us some things to be learned from Costco, the bathroom, TV shows, etc. | H |
992 | Mittsterpiece Theatre | Suppose public-TV shows, past or present, were turned out onto the open market to make a living on commercial TV. Tell us what would happen. | H 3 |
946 | Another round of Bierce | Write a clever definition of a word, name or multi-word term. | H |
807 | Pretty Graphic Expressions | Express some insight as an equation or other mathematical expression. | H |
805 | Brand Eccchs | Give us an original name in any of the above categories (not an actual badly named product). | 4 |
798 | Dead Letters | Write a humorous poem commemorating someone who died in 2008. | H |
665 | Your One-in-a-Million | Coin the millionth word in the English language and define it. The word must end in -ion. | 3 |
422 | Taught Language | Come up with lessons learned from (1) the movies, (2) popular songs, (3) romance novels or (4) the comics page. | 5 |