03/07/2024 - 03/06/2025
Weeks 1580 - 1632


Links to Permanent Inkstains in blue   Rookies in green


1: Jesse Frankovich Craven Fish Jokes HOF LOTY MIL TGL LIL 3 2 1 2 40 3 7 5 17 63 554 1200 5
2: Duncan Stevens Unscented Vans HOF MIL LOTY TGL 3 1 2 1 48 1 18 56 970 1076 7
3: Kevin Dopart Deviant Pork HOF ROTY LOTY TGL LIL 1 4 1 39 1 3 1 18 50 626 1933 2
4: Chris Doyle He Do Lyrics HOF MIL LOTY LIL TGL 1 2 2 2 35 1 1 2 14 46 79 2680 1
5: Frank Osen Senna Fork HOF MIL LOTY LIL 3 1 2 35 1 15 42 938 739 12
6: Sam Mertens Smartens Me LOTY ROTY 1 2 1 1 30 12 35 1323 220 45
7: Jonathan Jensen Jan Neatens John LOTY 1 1 2 1 28 18 33 1287 315 31
8: Leif Picoult Politic Fuel 2 1 25 2 16 30 1401 176 60
9: Judy Freed Fey Dude Jr. 1 1 2 1 22 1 11 28 1503 126 83
10: Mark Raffman Frank Farm, Ma HOF LOTY MIL LIL 1 2 25 11 28 979 1059 8
11: Tom Witte Tome Twit HOF Y1V RPL LIL LOTY 2 13 1 5 2 12 23 7 1810 3
12: Jeffrey Contompasis Enjoys Office Tramps HOF MIL LOTY 16 1 1 2 1 13 21 558 1008 9
13: Beverley Sharp Brave Shy Leper HOF LOTY MIL 2 16 1 1 14 20 604 963 10
14: Steve "Potomac" Smith Machetes Stop Vomit ROTY MIL LIL 19 8 19 1326 192 54
15: Gary Crockett Try Gecko Cart HOF ROTY LOTY 1 17 1 13 19 871 618 15
16: Pam Shermeyer Hep Yammerers MIL 1 1 15 14 17 1463 111 104
17: Jon Gearhart Jargon Hater LIL 15 10 15 1051 457 19
18: David Prevar Pravda Diver 5 7 3 13 15 339 466 18
19: Roy Ashley Horsey Lay HOF LIL 13 1 13 14 120 529 17
20: Lee Graham Eagle Harm 1 9 1 1 8 12 1162 114 100
21: Jon Ketzner Not Zen-Jerk ROTY 12 8 12 1253 155 69
22: Eric Nelkin E'er In Clink LIL 1 10 5 11 1286 109 107
23: Neil Kurland Dull Ink Near 8 1 1 7 10 1482 53 183
24: Jeff Rackow Jafferwock 8 1 4 9 1386 53 185
25: Stephen Dudzik "Puke" Zenith, DDS HOF Y1V RPL LIL 9 6 9 7 623 14
26: Jonathan Paul Oh, Plan A Jaunt 1 7 2 8 136 435 21
27: Jeff Hazle Elf Haj Fez 8 5 8 802 166 66
28: Karen Lambert Mere Barn Talk LOTY ROTY 8 6 8 1477 115 95
29: Brian Cohen Inborn Ache 6 1 2 7 613 58 170
30: Diana Oertel A Lone Tirade 7 4 7 967 33 243
31: Michael Stein Alien Chemist 1 6 5 7 1482 41 212
32: Neal Starkman Laments A Rank 7 6 7 944 139 72
33: Terri Berg Smith Grim Beer Thirst 1 5 2 6 1073 63 163
34: Jesse Rifkin If Inks, Jeers 1 5 4 6 1324 103 114
35: Rob Cohen Echo-Born 2 3 1 5 6 765 164 67
36: Sarah Walsh A Shawl Rash 6 5 6 1324 117 93
37: Mike Hammer Harm? I'm Meek! Y1V 5 2 5 5 116 94
38: Steven Price Never Septic 5 2 5 552 40 214
39: Richard Franklin Arr! Flinch In Dark! 1 3 1 3 5 1330 37 223
40: Stuart Segal Regal Status Y1V 4 1 4 5 4 42 210
41: Laurie Brink A Burlier Ink 5 4 5 708 95 118
42: Craig Dykstra Gray Rat's Dick LOTY ROTY MIL LIL 4 1 4 792 387 26
43: Seth Christenfeld Deflects Her Hints 1 3 2 4 1207 8 608
44: Jeff Shirley Fish Fly, Jeer MIL 4 2 4 1005 313 33
45: Mary McNamara Mr. Canary Mama 4 2 4 1222 28 271
46: Matt Monitto Man Tit Motto 4 2 4 902 179 59
47: Pam Sweeney Weepy MENSA 4 2 4 499 309 35
48: Rob Wolf Fowl Bro 4 2 4 763 81 134
49: Malcolm Fleschner Calm Cells From Hen 4 3 4 310 103 112
50: Barbara Turner Rear-Burnt Arab 1 1 2 3 4 524 202 49
51: Hildy Zampella My Pallid Hazel 4 4 4 1140 184 56
52: David Franks Dark Vids Fan 4 4 4 447 24 305
53: Gregory Koch Grey Hog Cork 1 2 2 3 908 52 187
54: Bill Dorner Boner Drill 3 2 3 885 162 68
55: Larry Rifkin Arr! Irkin' Fly! 3 2 3 1394 11 501
56: Perry Beider Red Berry Pie 3 3 3 735 56 174
57: Joan Witte A Wet Joint 1 1 1 2 1528 5 860
58: Becky Foster Oft By Creeks 1 1 1 2 1455 3 1250
59: Jonathan Hardis Had a Short Ninja 2 1 2 907 76 138
60: Michael Gips Magic Lips, Eh? MIL 2 1 2 509 312 34
61: Ted Weitzman New Tame Ditz 2 1 2 1110 6 744
62: Andrew Rosenberg Erred (Wrong Beans) 1 1 1 2 1403 10 512
63: Ann Fisher Shrine Fan 1 1 2 2 1578 2 2367
64: Kenneth Enright Think Green Then 2 2 2 1578 2 2368
65: Tim Livengood I Vomit Golden 2 2 2 485 13 458
66: William C. Kennard I'm A Card 'N' Ink Well 1 1 2 2 360 124 86
67: Howard Walderman Raw and Mad Howler 2 2 2 212 220 46
68: Mia Wyatt Waa! My Tit! 2 2 2 759 18 373
69: Pamela Love A Maple Vole 2 2 2 1170 23 314
70: Steve Honley Svelte Honey 2 2 2 447 122 87
71: Dan Steinbrocker Ancestor Bred Ink 2 2 2 945 21 340
72: Mark Asquino An OK Marquis 2 2 2 900 16 400
73: Scott Ableman Not Calm Beast 1 1 1 1219 5 859
74: David Sarokin Savor Ink, I Add 1 1 1 1381 3 1487
75: Patrick Huss Puckish Star 1 1 1 1579 1 5426
76: Josh Feldblyum Josh My Full Bed 1 1 1 462 38 220
77: Luther Jett Let Jet Thru 1 1 1 1081 2 2292
78: Valerie Holt Lovelier Hat 1 1 1 555 10 553
79: Dave Zarrow Waved Razor Y1V RPL 1 1 1 30 375 27
80: Stephanie Martin Interim Pheasant 1 1 1 192 2 1902
81: John McCooey Ye Mojo Conch 1 1 1 903 113 103
82: Kyle Bonney Keenly Bony 1 1 1 266 16 398
83: Elliott Shevin Loveliest Hint 1 1 1 1202 27 282
84: Laura M. Clairmont Ultramoral, Manic Y1V 1 1 1 50 18 372
85: Ann Martin Arm-Tannin' 1 1 1 547 125 84
86: Jim Derby My Red Jib 1 1 1 1072 10 541
87: Charles Trahan Her Charlatans 1 1 1 660 7 687
88: Chuck Helwig Hug, Chew, Lick 1 1 1 1274 28 274
89: David Peckarsky Vapid Dyke's Rack 1 1 1 1195 55 178
90: Doug Hembrey Humor Be Edgy 1 1 1 1400 3 1489
91: John Winant John Want In 1 1 1 863 23 310
92: Steve Geist Give Testes 1 1 1 486 6 733
93: Terry Reimer Retire Merry 1 1 1 948 7 695
94: Lawrence McGuire Crueler New Magic 1 1 1 419 314 32
95: Kathy Sheeran Yanks Heather 1 1 1 1547 5 939
96: Marni Penning Coleman No-Name Planning Crime 1 1 1 670 45 201
97: Dave Airozo A Varied Zoo 1 1 1 919 68 153
98: Ward Kay Dark Way 1 1 1 58 129 80
99: William Pifer-Foote Faerie Pillow Motif 1 1 1 375 5 889
100: Jennifer Hart Ninth Free Jar HOF Y1V MIL LOTY 1 1 1 11 653 13
101: Phil Plait A Pith Pill 1 1 1 116 16 391
102: Ted Spencer Rented Pecs 1 1 1 60 3 1291
103: Dan Helming Hind-Leg Man 1 1 1 440 54 182
104: Richard Alexander Handcar Axle Rider 1 1 1 1591 1 5427
105: Chuck Smith Hit Schmuck HOF Y1V LOTY 1 1 1 6 864 11
106: Heather Spence Has Threepence 1 1 1 967 15 412
107: Dave Scheiber Archived Bees 1 1 1 1490 2 2362
108: Bernard Brink Barn-Bred Rink 1 1 1 759 29 263
109: Connie Dobbins Akers Do Obscene Brains Ink? 1 1 1 1270 5 933
110: Richard Riccardi Rid Rich Acrid Car 1 1 1 1287 8 610
111: Sandy Riccardi Dry Cardiac Sin 1 1 1 1287 9 565
112: Mark Eckenwiler Mackerel Winker 1 1 1 281 188 55
113: Russell Beland Dullness Baler HOF LIL MIL LOTY 1 1 1 73 1550 4
114: Steve Fahey Vast Fee? Hey! 1 1 1 104 203 48
115: Marc Leibert Calmer Biter 1 1 1 439 51 189
116: Marshall Begel Large Balls? Meh. 1 1 1 1596 1 5428
117: Pie Snelson Sleeps In, No? 1 1 1 378 94 119